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5 million in funding for municipalities

Il Mite has allocated a second tranche  € 5 million for the year 2022 relating to the purchase of eco-compactors, or mini ecological islands for the collection and volume reduction of plastic (PET) bottles

Eater program

Access to financing

To have access to the funds, the Municipality must submit:


  • the request for financing,  


  • with an articulated design proposal,


  • in a specific format


  • to be sent starting from 1/31/2022. until 30/3/2022 taking into account the chronological priority


Official Journal:

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Granting of funding

The Ministry will assign the funding:

  1.   in chronological order of presentation

  2.   on the basis of the merit score attributed to the proposal, according to the technical, social and organizational selection criteria indicated in the Announcement


What do we do

Archimede SRLS has been producing Computerized Mini Ecological Islands since 1988, including the new range of eco-compactors "Mangiaplastica" ECOPRESS, developed to best meet the ministerial evaluation criteria.

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You need help?  

328 7932458   consulting  Dr. Angari

350 5260896  consulting  Dr. Boemio

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We help you

94.8% of the financing requests we made for the first round of the year 2021 were successful. From which the Archimede staff, on the basis of its advanced technology and decades of experience, proposes to collaborate with your technicians in the drafting of the articulated project with the aim of obtaining the financing in question.

Further information

For more information on the program

"Eater" and how  get

financing contact us at the following addresses:  

328 7932458   consulting  Dr. Angari

350 5260896  consulting  Dr. Boemio

373 748 13 27 administration


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